GitHub Network Instruction & Branch, Tag


Hope this topic can help you to easier understand the GitHub Network Graph.
Cases can be seen on


The head of the branch. The branch label is on the head:

Branch head

New branch:

New branch

First commit on the branch:

First commit

A Merge:


* A Merge, which is also the First commit on this new branch

First commit Merge
(? no idea how this happens)

Merged branch via PR, feature branch not deleted. The branch label is usually on the last commit before the merge.

Merged branch

Merged branch via PR, feature branch deleted.

Merge without PR

Colored branch.

Colored branch

Commit Information

A Merge via PR

Merge code

A commit on a branch that has already been merged to another branch

A commit merged

A commit on a branch that is not merged

A commit not merged


Tags including all children commit

Tags multiple

One single tag

Tags single

? Weird that tags on this commit doesn’t display.

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